101st Mowbray Annual General Meeting

Welcome to the Mowbray Bowling and Social Club.

101st Mowbray Annual General Meeting

Nominations Received

NomineeProposed BySeconded ByPosition
Peter TodtDave MilneJules HorakClub Captain - Men
Tria TapperDave MilneJules HorakExecutive - Secretary
Gareth RossleeDave MilneJules HorakSelection Convenor - Men
Gary LyttleDave MilneJules HorakSelection - Men
Taz BrightLorraine PretoriusCandice HampshireSelection Convenor - Women
Taz BrightLorraine PretoriusCandice HampshireClub Captain - Women
Sylvia BurnsLorraine PretoriusCandice HampshireSelection - Women
Otilia Fernandes-du RandLorraine PretoriusCandice HampshireSelection - Women
Taz BrightPeter TodtGary LyttleExecutive - Member
Tom van VlaanderenPeter TodtGary LyttleExecutive - Member
Wade PretoriusGareth RossleeTamsyn YoungSelection - Men
Paul RistDave MilnePeter TodtExecutive - Treasurer
Mark DouglasDave MilnePeter TodtExecutive - Chairperson
Neil JonesClaire CowanTria TapperExecutive - Member
Claire CowanBruno MercorioCarolyn HuisamenSelection - Women
Sylvia BurnsTaz BrightTria TapperExecutive - Treasurer


Notice is hereby given to members that the One hundred and First Annual General Meeting of the Mowbray Bowling Club will be held via e-mail and online voting from 20 to 24 July 2020.

The full announcement, including a call for nominations, can be downloaded below. The Announcement has also been sent via e-mail to all Mowbray Members.

A new AGM format in 2020

Proposal to Members

The Mowbray Executive Committee last week sent out communication to all members about the 2020 AGM.

In noting that there was little to no likelihood of having a safe (or perhaps even legal) AGM this year, in the normal sense of getting everyone together into one room, the Committee said:

Even if the regulations are amended enough that this would be allowed, we do not feel that having that many people packed into one small room is a good idea. It would be a major risk to the health of our members, and that has to be the overriding concern for all of us.

A new format for the 2020 AGM was proposed to the Mowbray Members, relying on e-mail and online voting to hold the AGM.

Members were asked to send their votes (and comments) to one of the Committee members, indicating their Approval or Disapproval of the proposal.

Approval of AGM Plans

Mowbray Members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposed plan.

The response was fantastic, with 76 of the 84 Mowbray Members registering a vote – a response rate of 86%.

Every single vote was to Approve the proposed plan!

The Mowbray Executive Committee thanks every one of their Members for the overwhelming support and the no-nonsense, let’s get things done attitude of every Mowbray Member!